Happy Family

Happy Family

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The birthday

My knight in wet clothes

I wasn't going to blog about my birthday. There was really nothing to blog about. It was just another day. My plans? Wash the dishes, do the laundry, clean the house, wash the car, "and if I got really ambitious, make myself a birthday cake," as I told anyone who inquired about my plans that morning. Really exciting, I know!

Then Thad came home early from work and changed everything around. He brought me 2 dozen gorgeous roses, king crab legs that he made and shelled for me for dinner that were to die for, and a fabulous red velvet cake (my new favorite)! Then he took me to PF Changs for a fancy lunch, then HE washed the car, and we watched a movie together. He also sang a very special birthday song to me.

Thanks Thad, for officially being the BEST husband in the WHOLE world, bar none!

And just in case anybody is wondering, I am counting down from 30 to avoid ever being "a day over 30", so I officially turned 29!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

That is so awesome! What a great hubby to do so much for your birthday. so are you 31?