Happy Family

Happy Family

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween 2013!

This year, I didn't get any great pictures of our costumes, but I was Rosie the Riveter. She's always been a favorite of mine, so I can't believe I didn't think to dress up as her until this year!! Siena was a monster, Tessa was the cutest pirate ever, and Leila was a Ladybug in Cedar City (cooler weather) and a leopard/cat. WE celebrated the week before in Cedar city, and carved pumpkins. Then we were back in Vegas for Halloween. We trick-or-treated with Siena and Tessa's best friends Maddie and Leah, who happen to be sisters, and daughters of my new BFF Erin.
Carving pumpkins in Cedar City. We may have gotten slightly carried away...

a candid camera moment with Tessa and Jairus. She is so affectionate! Siena hard at work carving her 3rd pumpkin

on our way to go trick-or-treating

Maddie and the girls with their witch pumpkin

Friday, October 25, 2013

The missing tooth

Siena lost her loose tooth. Actually, the tooth fairy stole it. Just kidding! She was so excited about her wiggly tooth, she pulled it out herself! The tooth fairy brought a sparkly quarter with fairy dust (aka sparkly fingernail polish) and a mini letter, congratulating her and encouraging her to keep up the brushing.
I LOVE her crazy morning hair!You can also get a glimpse of the tooth pillow I made for her a couple of weeks ago, when her tooth was very wiggly!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Leila's Smiles

Leila is happiest first this in the morning, or right after eating. I'm getting smiles every day now, and when I get really lucky, I catch them on my camera (aka phone). Here are some of my favs.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Conference Tents

The girls, all ready for conference in their tent (am I the only one who didn't know til now that conference tents are a "thing"? At least I know now! The girls loved it (minus Leila).

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

More -isms

This morning, as Thad was leaving for work. 
Thad: have a good day.
Tessa: ok. Actually, no. We're going to have an AWESOME day!

"Mommy, you are so luck you get to be my mommy!"

When I was having a bad day: "It's ok, mommy. Things will get better. You'll see."

After Siena asked why a car was parked on the side of the street:
Me: I have No idea.
Tessa: I have YES idea!! 
-And then she proceeded to tell us how lakes are formed (a subject we had previously discussed)-

One morning, as Thad was leaving for work:
THAD: have a good day.
Tessa: ok. Actually, no. We're going to have an AWESOME day!

Siena: I Love you, mom. I love you infinity plus infinity and beyond

Siena: You're the best mommy in the whole wide world!

Siena: Carma wasn't at school today. She was abstinent.

I lOVE these girls!! They totally make my day!