Happy Family

Happy Family

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

I had an awesome Mothers Day this year! Thad went fishing with my brother the day before, and brought back trout, with he cooked up for me for dinner:) after he made frittata for breakfast that day :). He also bought corsages for me AND THE GIRLS for church that day!
My darling girls' Mothers Day presents to me: Siena drew a picture of her and me, then wrote "HBE MUTHRS DA" on the back (her first attempt of writing more than 1 word all on her own!), then picked a bunch of flowers for me. Tessa volunteered to do the dished and helped daddy take out and refill the trash. I love being a mother to my 2 (soon to be 3!) darling daughters!
Happy Mothers Day everyone!!

All the trout (and 1 bass) Thad and Danny caught.
 They drove 5 hours to catch it!!
delicious frittata!

Siena's picture of me (with the curly purple
hair) and her (notice she's taller)

Siena asked me earlier, "Mom, how do you
make the "th" sound? And with that, she did
this all on her own.
Her very first note all by herself!

sweet girls

And taking out the trash- without being asked!

Tessa, voluntarily doing the dishes for mommy
Siena with the Mothers Day flowers
she collected and gifted me

Tessa's beautiful hair
Tessa's kissy face
Tessa, so happy with her corsage!

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