Happy Family

Happy Family

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Brea and the Beach

The girls and I went to Brea, California this summer to visit my childhood friend Shauna, and to visit the beach. We had the most amazing time, and the best food ever (Shauna is an awesome cook, among other things). Brea is a beautiful area, and it was so good to catch up with Shauna!
The girls loved the beach, and Siena made sand angels. Tessa just wanted to go in the water without being held or even holding my hands. She went under the water briefly twice, but that didn't stop her. I was hoping it would instill a healthy fear of the water so she would use a little caution, but no such luck!
In fact, when I took the girls to an arboretum the next day, Tessa went head first into the duck pond. I fished her out, and she just kept on walking, with a huge smile on her face, completely unphased by the fact that she had nearly drowned 2 seconds earlier. What an adventurous spirit!

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