Happy Family

Happy Family

Sunday, June 29, 2008

First Dr.'s visit

We were excited to learn on her first Dr's appt, when Siena was 6 days old, that she had already gained back her birth weight, plus one ounce! So last we checked, she weighed 7 lbs, 8 oz. She has her next appt on Tuesday this week, so we will see how much she weighs then. Also, she apparently grew an inch in those 6 days, because at the Dr's office, the measured her as 19 and a half inches long. They said that usually the measurements they do in the hospital aren't very accurate. Interesting.

Also, Siena had to get her foot pricked on 4 separate occasions to check her bilirubin level. The first time, she slept through the entire thing, while I cried through it all! I just couldn't stand the thought of having my little girl's foot pricked like that. She handled it like a pro though! Apparently one of the best things a mom can do to help the baby get rid of the jaundice is breast feeding. And I tell you what, Siena is a good little eater. So now she is officially in the clear :)

1 comment:

Shelby and Johnny Family said...

oh, i'm so glad she slept through that pricking! they came to take sol from me in the hospital a day after he was born to get his bilirubin levels checked. he was away for quite a while, so i went to go check on him. he was screaming so bad and the tech that was doing it couldn't get it right. he kept on poking and poking until we finally got someone else in there to do it. glad she's in the clear!!