Happy Family

Happy Family

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Me and My Big Belly!

So this is what my huge belly looks like uncovered! I am really lucky not to have any stretch marks (yet)! Hopefully it stays that way.
You can see the background looks like a classroom, and that's because it is! This is what I do when I have a break at work at my Elementary school in Orem (I'm the speech therapist). Siena is due 3 weeks after school gets out, so it will be nice to have a little break before she comes.
I am planning to work part-time (3 days/wk) next school year.


Lisa C said...

I'm glad you started a blog! What a belly! Not to jinx you, but I didn't get stretch marks until probably the last 2 weeks (which made going overdue that much worse!). I hope it doesn't happen to you!

Shauna said...

Holy crap. Your belly is HUGE! Congratulations, though. I'm really happy for you. :D I love that you have a blog now. Visit mine too! howardbannister.com

Erin said...

i am glad you started a blog. just in time so we can see lots of pictures of little sienna once she arrives.
you look great. i hope you are one of those lucky ones that never gets stretch marks. i will definitely be jealous, i was not one of those lucky ones.

Melanie said...

Do you have any stretch marks yet? It's OK, I got pretty big too...that just means the baby is growing well. FYI, I had my ultrasound today and I will be having another GIRL! YEAH!

We need to do lunch before the baby comes! k?